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Promotional offer from Kirklees council

for groups that are supporting people who are struggling with rising costs

Kirklees Council has set-up a one-stop shop website to give people advice and information about how to deal with the rising cost of living. The site will also signpost people to local charities and community groups that can support them with finances and debt advice, reducing energy bills or food.

If you have a service that you’d like to promote or appeal that you’d like to make, please contact Ben Holman – ben.holman@kirklees.gov.uk. They can use any of their channels (newsletters, social media, video, photos, PR) to help profile your organisation, showcase your work, connect people together, target a particular audience, and generally promote you and your services. (The only thing that they probably can’t do is help you fundraise.)

A recent profile of Uniform Exchange and it’s founder, Kate French, helped them raise their profile and recruit more essential volunteers.

By Agency For Good

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