Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust: Projects to Improve Financial Wellbeing for Low to Middle Income Individuals
Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust makes around 15 to 20 awards each year, intending to award around £3 million annually to organisations across the UK. These include voluntary organisations, think tanks, campaigning groups, research bodies and universities.
There is no minimum or maximum size of grant. Grants typically range between £10,000 and £200,000, with most being between £50,000 and £120,000 in total. The funding may be spread over one, two or three years, and sometimes shorter periods, for example, six months. The funding is intended for strategic work, including policy work, campaigning and research that has the potential to improve financial well-being for those on low to middle incomes and on a national scale. Eligible projects must focus on one or more of the following areas: income (e.g. wages, pensions, social security), spending (e.g. cost of living, borrowing, gambling harms), and assets (housing, retirement saving).
Additionally, the Trust’s Climate Change and Household Finances in the UK programme aims to support projects focused on the household finances of people on low-to-middle incomes during the transition to Net Zero and adjustment to climate change. Projects must focus on Net Zero and financial wellbeing within one of the main funding programme themes: income, assets and spending. Funding can be used for project and ongoing costs, including staff salaries and overheads. Applicants to the Climate Change and Household Finances in the UK programme must contact Abrdn Financial Fairness Trust before applying.
There are typically two application deadlines per year.
Trusts & Foundations - National
Large Grants (Over £10,000)
Download grant application form from the website