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An Important Message from the TSL Kirklees Trustees

Dear Colleague

We are writing to let you know that, unfortunately, Michael Pitchford has decided to resign as CEO of TSL Kirklees to take up a new role. He will be finishing at the end of January, with a few days’ handover in February.

In the meantime, whilst the TSL Kirklees board of trustees, with input from the TSL staff, consider the best options for the future running of the organisation, we are putting in some interim arrangements, with the board advertising for an interim Chief Executive shortly.

Everyone at TSL would like to thank Michael for all his hard work and significant contribution to the development of the organisation and its vision over the past year and wish him well for the future.

TSL Kirklees, like many of our partners and members, faces significant financial challenges from April 2025. The board remains committed to addressing this issue as a priority, whilst continuing to effectively deliver the range of projects that TSL both leads on and plays a key part in, as well as launching new and exciting projects, such as Energy Neighbours.

In addition, the TSL board and staff team remain committed to supporting members and other local VCSE organisations with all the amazing work that they do, and working positively with partners for the benefit of the third sector and local communities in Kirklees.

Best wishes

Andy Petrie

Chair of Trustees on behalf of the TSL Kirklees board of trustees

By Agency For Good

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