liz's Volunteer story
I volunteer for two organisations; with Friend to Friend in Meltham and with Locala at Moorlands Grange in Netherton.
I have volunteered all my life, including when I was working. I have inherited this from my Mum who was always busy helping people.
I found the role with Locala through an online search. As a Volunteer Befriender I visit the Moorlands Grange Centre once a week and volunteer for two hours at a time. The Centre bridges the gap between hospital and home, helping people recover from an illness until they are ready to live independently again. A lot of the patients are older people who have broken a bone.
When I arrive, I am given a list of patients that might benefit from a chat with me, and information about their condition. Some of the patients don’t have any family to visit them and may not be able to get out of their room, so I start up a conversation with them and we often find we have something in common. I enjoying hearing about their life history, and sharing my time with them. I think it helps that I can talk for England!

I get as much out of it as the patients, I find it really uplifting. Locala are great to volunteer with and I have regular support meetings with the Volunteer Co-ordinator who takes on any feedback I may have.
Once a month I also volunteer with Friend to Friend in Meltham. Which provides a cooked meal and entertainment for 40-50 local older people each month. I help cook the meal and serve the food, we also have Volunteer Drivers who transport the participants to the Methodist Church in Meltham.
I prepare the vegetables and I am always in charge of the custard, and chief coffee maker!
I have been volunteering with Friend to Friend for over 10 years; I started as my Mum attended the group and got a lot out of it. Everyone who helps is so friendly, we all just muck in and have a laugh. Friend to Friend also run a Men’s group at Meltham Sports Centre, where they have a meal and play games quizzes. We would really welcome more volunteers to join us.
In both my volunteer roles I am giving my time to people who may be lonely or don’t have family nearby, and I get a lot of joy out of it.
Find out more about volunteering with Locala here.
Find out more about Friend to Friend in Meltham here.